Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It's 1230 in the morning and I've yet to finish my maths notes which I planned to finish today. Stupid me for taking a break after dinner until 8pm.
And then playing DoW during the day and watching Youtube videos while studying.

Anyway, I'm waiting for my copy for Star Wars Battlefront II (which I've wanted for like years) to arrive from the United Kingdom. And once it does, I'll be playing it loads! Hopefully my friend will lend me Kingdom Hears: Birth By Sleep after TEE exams as well so, life after the TEE should be 'cruisy'.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Exams are in three weeks. I have to study which means...
More trips to the State Library on bike. Sweet!

Also making a single-speed for myself and a fixed gear for a family friend which should be fun and distracting. (:

Thursday, September 2, 2010


So I was like racing with my friend today, and sort of forgot there was a sharp ass turn up ahead in the roundabout. I knew that if I turned that roundabout at the speed I was going, I'd either get pedal strike and eat shit or the bike would slide out from under me (due to gravel) and I'd eat shit. So what did I do?

Seeing as I forgot it was there, I turned, summed my choices up, turned out of it, almost collided with an island, and for some reason decided to ride up the curb and... into someone's wall.

I think I blacked out for like a few seconds. Got up, picked up my bike and walked it off. I see that the paint on the top and down tube near the head tube has like shattered (?) and so I reached the conclusion that my head tube is now bent downwards like slightly and that also my fork is straighter than it's supposed it be.

Sigh. Now looking for a new frame. (: